Step-by-Step Instructions for Downloading and Installing HP FlexiPRINT HP Basic Edition

  1. To start, locate your SAi FlexiPRINT HP Edition RIP software voucher that came with your HP Latex 310 or 330 printer. The white voucher cardholder contains your software activation code and can be found among the printed materials that came with your printer.
  2. Inside the voucher sleeve you will find a card which has your software activation code printed on the back. If you cannot locate the license voucher or card, the activation code is also located on the back of your printer, next to the HP serial number label.
  3. From your Internet-enabled Windows PC, open your web browser. Type in the URL address bar and press Enter.
  4. On the Activation Code area of the web page, enter the activation code from your software voucher card. Be sure to type the code in exactly as displayed on the card, with no spaces. Then click Activate.
  5. If you already have a login to the SAi Cloud, enter your information now and skip to the next step. If you need to create a free SAi cloud account, choose "I am new to the SAi Cloud."
    1. Enter the email address you want to use for your SAi Cloud account and click Create Account.
    2. Go to your email inbox and find the new email titled "SAi Cloud Welcome." If you do not see this email in your inbox, check your spam and trash folders.
    3. Open the email and click on the link. If you cannot click on the link, copy the entire URL, open your web browser and paste it into the address bar.
    4. Fill in all of your information in the Create Account form, and click Create Account. Finally, read and accept the terms and conditions.
  6. To activate the software on your account, click Activate Now.
  7. Now you can select which level of Flexi HP Edition you would like to install. The Basic Edition is included free-of-charge with your HP Latex 310 or 330 printer. If you need additional features listed in the other products on the list, select them and continue through the payment process. Otherwise, click on the Install Basic button at the bottom of the product list.
  8. On the Software page under step one, click the Download Now button.
  9. Download and save the SAi Software Downloader program.
  10. Locate where you downloaded the program file and open it, which will start the full product download process.
  11. When the download is complete, click Yes to start the program installation. Select your language and click OK.
  12. Click the Next button and follow the on-screen installation steps to continue.
  13. When the installation on your PC is complete, you will be prompted to enter in your software activation code. This is the same code located on your software voucher card. Click Finish to complete activation.
  14. To open the software, click your Windows Start Menu, select All Programs, navigate to the Flexi HP Edition folder and select the FlexiPRINT HP Basic Edition Cloud program icon.

Getting Started

  1. The first time you open the Production Manager RIP, you will need to install the printer driver.
  2. When prompted, select which printer model you have and click Next.
  3. Enter the local network IP address of your printer. If you're not sure what this is, consult with your network administrator.
  4. If you want to print to your HP Latex printer from other desktop applications, click the "Yes, install the desktop driver" box.
  5. Now click Finish.